Dolichocephalic Skull (Gr. Dolichos - Long, Mullet - Head)

A dolichocephalic skull (from the Greek words "dolichos" - long and "kephale" - head) is a skull whose width is less than 75% of its length. This type of skull is characterized by a narrow and elongated shape, a long forehead and a high nape.

Dolichocephaly is an anthropological characteristic that indicates a narrow and long skull shape. This type of skull is found in representatives of various ethnic groups such as Caucasians, Negroids and others. The most famous example is the Egyptian pharaohs, in whom the dolichocephalic skull was a symbol of superior origin and divine origin.

Many researchers believe that the shape of the skull may indicate certain characteristics of a person’s character and behavior. Thus, it is believed that people with a dolichocephalic skull have a penchant for abstract thinking, philosophy and sciences related to mathematics and logic. In addition, they often take a creative approach to solving problems and problems.

However, we should not forget that cranial shape is only one of many factors that determine the individual characteristics of a person. In addition, many studies indicate that genetic and environmental factors play a more important role in shaping a person's intellectual and behavioral characteristics than the shape of the skull.

In conclusion, the dolichocephalic skull is one of the types of skull that is characterized by an elongated shape and a narrow forehead. Although there are suggestions of a connection between cranial shape and some individual characteristics of a person, it should be remembered that this is only one of many factors that influence the formation of intellectual and behavioral characteristics.