Double Contrast Cystography

What is the significance of this study? The method gives reliable results and also allows you to diagnose the following bladder diseases:

- bladder tumor; - inflammatory process (cystitis); - stones; - foreign bodies; - thrombosis and thromboembolism; - stricture of the urethra;

Thus, an important stage in the development of male urological service is the prevention and timely detection of diseases in men that they do not consider important for their body as men.

Cystography with double contrast

Cystography is a method for diagnosing bladder cancer using x-rays and a contrast agent. This method allows you to visualize the internal structures of the bladder and detect cancer at an early stage.

The essence of the procedure is as follows: before the study, the patient must urinate, then gas is injected into the bladder to expand its walls. After this, the doctor injects a water-soluble contrast agent. It fills all the cavities and irregularities on the walls, which helps to obtain a clear image of the internal structures. The patient is then placed in an X-ray machine, where several images are taken in different projections.

The advantages of the method are obvious - after the procedure, the doctor receives reliable information about the condition of the bladder. However, it must be noted that this method is invasive and may cause some side effects, such as discomfort or infection. In addition, the procedure can take some time and requires special equipment.

Double contrast, or polygraphy, is a modification of the cystography procedure using several types of contrast agents. First, air is injected inside the bladder, followed by urine containing water-soluble contrast, which penetrates into the bladder.