Dreams Suggested


Dreams are an integral part of our life. We spend a third of our lives sleeping, and they play an important role in the development of our consciousness and personality. However, sometimes dreams can be especially vivid and memorable, which makes us wonder whether our dream is reality or inspired by someone from the outside.

Suggested dreams are a special type of dreams that we see when they are artificially suggested to us. They are a subject of study for many scientists and researchers because although suggested dreams are part of the human experience, they can cause anxiety in people and even cause disturbances in their emotional and psychological stability.

Goal of the work

The purpose of this article is to study suggested dreams, including their origin, distribution and impact on our lives and health.

Origin and prevalence of suggested dreams

True dreams, which are of psychological and physiological origin, arise from our subconscious while our brain is at rest. But, unlike them, suggested dreams do not appear on their own, but are artificially created by someone else. There are several different ways of inducing dreams: hypnosis, electronic suggestion, and biological influences.

Hypnosis is the process of influencing a person's mind through neurolinguistic programming. The process of hypnosis can begin either with or without consent to suggestion. Suggestion to create a dream can be used to control a person's behavior and thoughts. Suggestion is usually carried out after a person falls asleep, but it is also possible to induce sleep through constant observation over a period of time.

Dreams can be surprising and unexpected events that bring both pleasure and disappointment. However, there are also inspired dreams - these are dreams that are the result of the influence of other people or external factors on a person’s subconscious. In this article we will look at the features of inspired dreams and their impact on our lives.

What are suggested dreams? Suggested dreams are a special type of dreams that arise under the influence of external factors, such as watching a movie or listening to music, telling dreams to friends, etc. The mechanism for the development of suggested sleep is based on the theory of hypnosis. The phenomenon arose due to the effect of suggestion during hypnosis. In fact, dreams still remain dreams, regardless of their origin. This means they can be arbitrary. We have both hypnotic and ordinary structures in our brain, and sleep is a product of brain activity during sleep. But there are several fundamental differences: * During the inspired sleep, the person sleeps, but his brain activity is not as calm as usual. * The duration of this type of sleep is a day, or even more, while ordinary dreams occur in episodes and last no more than 40-50 minutes. Difference from hypnotic sleep The main difference between suggested and hypnotic sleep is the difference in the source of influence. A suggested dream tends to awaken from some external influence on the body, but a hypnotic dream arises under the direct influence of a hypnotist or another person through verbal and physical influence.

By the way, it is important to note one interesting feature: a suggested dream can be transmitted through an object dream to another person in the same way as an ordinary dream. An inspired dream received from a hypnotist is often more “saturated” with vivid emotions than an ordinary dream of the same type. Science knows several principles that determine the occurrence of suggested dreams - excitation of certain areas of the brain, excitation of the sleep center in the brain, the presence of drowsiness in consciousness, the setting to fall asleep and much more. Each factor is an integral part of the process of the occurrence of a suggested dream and is obligatory for the process of its occurrence. The principle and mechanism of the occurrence of suggested dreams The basic principle of the occurrence of such dreams is that the brain is subject to influences emanating from certain structures of the brain. These structures include special reticular formations of the brain stem (clusters of neurons), clusters of cells in the thalamus, clusters of cells of the reticular formation and other systems and structures. Impact on certain areas of the brain with the help of mechanisms of excitation and inhibition of nervous structures can cause a certain image and process of influence on consciousness, and, accordingly, stimulation of the imagination, after which the dream itself will result, inspired. The human body has a unique ability to present information in the form of various symbols and images. The human brain perceives the world exclusively in the form of images. It should also be noted that if there are any emotions and feelings of a person’s experience, then there is an increased degree of sensitivity to the processing of dream information and the emotional coloring of dream images. Images in a dream are to one degree or another emotionally colored or determined by its process