Drainage Capillary

Drainage capillary material is a special type of material that is used in medicine to treat wounds and other skin injuries. It has a capillary effect that allows it to absorb and retain moisture from the wound, which promotes healing.

Capillary drainage is a special material that consists of hygroscopic gauze or silk threads that have capillary properties. They are able to absorb moisture from the wound and retain it, which helps speed up the healing process.

Drainage capillary material is widely used in medicine, especially in the treatment of wounds and burns. It helps speed up the process of tissue regeneration and prevent the development of infections.

In addition, capillary drainage material can be used in cosmetology to relieve swelling and improve the appearance of the skin.

Thus, capillary drainage is an important tool in medicine and cosmetology, which helps speed up the process of tissue repair and improve the appearance of the skin.

Drainage-capillary mass

Drainage-Capillary Mass is a **medical product** that helps cure a number of diseases.

**The operating principles of the product** lie in the presence of its active component based on chitosan. This substance has the ability to change its structure under the influence of various factors. When chitosan enters the heat of the human body, it changes the liquid environment, turning into a gel-like state. Passing through the walls of the stomach and small intestine, the liquid components of food turn into a gel with the consistency of soft gelatin. It accumulates in various parts of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulating intestinal motility. Then the liquid component is eliminated naturally. At the same time, food is prepared for further digestion processes involving gastric juice and enzymes. At the same time, the drug significantly accelerates metabolism and fully saturates the body with vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids and beneficial microelements.