Dressing Flyer Advanced

Dressing fliers of the advanced detachment (VTP) appeared at the end of the 18th century. Staff Doctor of Medicine A.P. Bellingshausen testified: “In 1789, September 8, during the occupation of the city of Bukhara, not only was there not a sufficient number of dressing materials and doctors, but also no instruments for dressing wounds were delivered to the latter, and Free treatment with all medical means is allowed from private funds. To replenish the missing dressing supply, I was appointed at the head of an experienced surgeon and a senior nurse with a list of simple medications and disinfectants.”

The doctor in those conditions was in the same position. He saw that it took two to three weeks to treat the wounds of the natives: along with local treatment, it was necessary to carry out preoperative treatment, promoting the healing of wounds with primary symptoms, accompanied by symptoms of extensive inflammation, eliminating adaptation to the primary symptoms. In this case, local remedies are boiling water, tea, alcohol,