Hindi javz - coconut

He is famous. This is Narjil.

A good nut is fresh, very white, and the juice in it is sweet. If there is no juice, this indicates that it is old. The skin of the kernel should be removed.

Hot at the beginning of the second degree, dry in the first. Coconuts contain excess moisture in such an insignificant amount that it can be ignored, but fresh ones are moist to the first degree.

Actions and properties.
Coconuts are heavy but not harmful as food.

Tools with joints.
Old coconut oil helps relieve back and knee pain.

Nutritional organs.
Coconuts are hard on the stomach, although they are little harmful and very nutritious. The skin of their kernel is not digestible and should be removed. After eating coconuts, you should not take any other food within an hour. Fresh coconut oil produces better chyme than ghee; it does not stick to the walls of the stomach and does not relax it.

Eruption organs.
Coconuts increase lust, and coconut oil is used for kidney problems. The most useful in this case is the oil of old nuts, and especially with apricot oil, if you drink one bowl of both. Aged coconut oil, when eaten, kills pumpkin seeds and other intestinal worms and expels them.