Jenner's Smallpox Vaccination Method

Jenner's method of grafting.

The Jennerton method is a vaccination method that allows you to prevent the spread of viruses and infections by introducing a weakened form of the pathogen without harm to the body.

The basic principle of this method is that if a person suffering from a viral infection (let's call it "A"), or who has already had it (a weaker version of the virus "B") injected the weakened virus "C" into a person who had not previously had this infection , then the body can acquire persistent immunity, similar to immunity to the initial infection “A”. When a stronger virus “C” is introduced, it can cause a severe form of disease “A”, since the body does not yet have immunity to this virus. This works the same way with a weak version of the virus.

It is important to note that this vaccination method is a historical testament to how science is driving innovative approaches to treatment. In this case, it allowed the development of a safe and effective way to prevent many diseases, such as smallpox and diphtheria, which were previously very dangerous infections.

Jenner's algorithm is to allow a healthy person to become infected with a weakened form of the virus from a sick person (for example, if a sick person has a mild form of smallpox, then she becomes infected with a weakened virus, namely cowpox). This method is called natural infection. And it allows the immune system to form antibodies against a new disease.

In order to maintain a stable immune status after natural infection, smallpox must be vaccinated regularly, every year. This is done to maintain an immune response against the smallpox virus in the body.

The use of Jenner's smallpox vaccination method helps prevent the development of new diseases or mortality of those people who have weakened forms of the disease (atonic disease). Very often, vaccination prevents the spread of dangerous diseases due to their rapid transmission both through contact and in the process of infection through talking, sneezing, coughing. Smallpox was the first vaccination program to be tested for safety and effectiveness. She showed that this approach is indeed safe and effective.

The modern medical community supports Jenner's vaccinia method. It is recommended by the World Health Organization. There are several improved versions of this method, but the basic principle remains the same.

Introduction: The Jenner Method of Smallpox is a well-known method of preventing smallpox that was first described in 1798 by James Jenor. This method, also known as vaccination, is one of the most important advances in medicine and public health. The essence of the method is to use a weakened form of the smallpox virus to create an immune response in a person and protect him from diseases that can be caused by stronger viruses. In this article we will look at the historical background, process