Jummize - sycamore

Dioscorides said in his book that the sycamore is a large tree similar to a fig. It contains a lot of milky juice, and its leaves resemble mulberry leaves. Sycamore bears fruit three or even four times a year. Its fruits do not sit on branch knots, like figs, but grow directly on the trunk. Its fruits are similar to wild figs, but they are sweeter than unripe figs and their seeds are not as large as fig seeds. They do not ripen until the tree is cut with an iron hook. The sycamore tree grows in great abundance in the country called Caria and in the place called Rhodes.

Its fruits are enjoyed at all times of the year, and there are people who call it sycomorun, which means “stupid fig.” It was named so because its fruit has a weak taste. It also grows on an island called Cyprus so Dioscorides; the text is corrupted. Sycamore leaves are similar to the leaves of a fig tree, and its fruits are similar in size to plums, but sweeter; they are in every way like the fruit of a fig tree.

As they say, hot, wet.

This tree is said to contain a milky sap and is sometimes extracted from this tree before fruiting time by crushing its outer bark and collecting the sap on a piece of wool. This juice is dried and cakes are prepared from it, which are used for enemas. It has emollient and highly absorbable properties.

Nutritional organs.
Dioscorides says that sycamore fruits have little nutritional value and are harmful to the stomach.

Wounds and ulcers.
They say that the milky sap of this tree glues and promotes the growth of meat in difficult-to-heal wounds.

Tumors and acne.
Sycamore juice also resolves severe tumors.

Eruption organs.
Sycamore relaxes the stomach. .

The milky sap of this tree helps against goose bumps.

They also lubricate areas bitten by reptiles.”