
Echopalalalia is a condition in which a person says words twice - that is, when he finishes a phrase, after a while he begins to say it again, or even repeats the last few words twice or more. The phenomenon itself is called “psychoacoustic echo.”

There are other similar disorders - for example, echolalia, but unlike echopallation, which occurs due to a disruption in communication between certain parts of the brain, it always appears and does not depend on the speech of a particular person. Therefore, it is always a pathological disorder.

Treatment also depends on the type of disorders and the reasons for which they arose. When nerve tissue is damaged, drugs are used that improve blood flow and reduce the activity of microcirculation. Neurotransmitters reduce the level of negative emotions and anxiety. But if the deviation is associated with serious brain injuries or damage to a certain area of ​​the cerebral cortex, then returning the patient to a full life is not possible.