Folliculitis Decalvating

Folliculitis Decalvans: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Folliculitis decalvans, also known as kenko disease, is a rare inflammatory skin disorder that results in hair loss. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms and treatment methods for folliculitis decalvans.

The exact causes of folliculitis decalvans are still unknown. However, it is believed to be due to a compromised immune system, which leads to chronic inflammation of the hair follicles. Some studies also indicate possible genetic inheritance of this disease.

The main symptom of folliculitis decalvans is gradual balding of the scalp. At the beginning of the disease, redness and inflammation appear in the area of ​​the hair follicles, and then the hair begins to fall out. Bald spots gradually form and can increase in size. The skin around bald spots may be inflamed, flaky, and crusty.

There is no specific treatment that completely eliminates folliculitis decalvans. However, there are various methods that can help alleviate symptoms and slow the progression of the disease. Your doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory medications, such as creosote or steroid creams or ointments, to reduce inflammation and itching. Antibiotics may be used to fight infection associated with folliculitis.

Other treatments may include drugs that boost the immune system, phototherapy (light therapy), or laser treatments. In some cases, hair transplantation may be necessary to restore areas of baldness.

It is important to consult with a qualified dermatologist to obtain an accurate diagnosis and determine the optimal treatment for each individual case of folliculitis decalvans.

In conclusion, folliculitis decalvans is a rare skin disease that causes baldness and inflammation of the hair follicles. Although the exact causes of this disease are unknown, there are treatments that can help alleviate symptoms and slow its progression. If you suspect folliculitis decalvans, consult your doctor for a diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Folliculosis decalcica is a chronic process of degradation of the immune system that can lead to the formation of ulcers and erosions on the scalp and face. The follicle is the empty space at the top of the hair follicle that is usually filled with hair. Under normal conditions, follicles provide protection against invading microbes and maintain healthy skin function. Kenka is a disease affecting the skin of the scalp - a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin of the scalp, accompanied by loss of dry and oily hair, perioral dermatitis and other complications. It is part of the pathological symptoms of pemphigoid and dermatomyositis, rarely an independent dermatological disease. Men, women during pregnancy and lactation, and the elderly are affected. The most common areas are the scalp (80–90% of cases), the skin of the chin, nose and cheeks (10–20%); Lips, ears, and skin around the eyes are often involved (4–5%).

Treatment and prevention of folliculitis decalvans should be aimed at relieving symptoms, resolving the issue of preserving hair and preventing relapses. The use of ultraviolet irradiation is useful for the dry form of folliculosis. Large doses of sodium fluoride promote healing with mo