
In peacetime, every person, without exception, may encounter a situation in his or her life where he or his loved ones need medical help. The Disaster Medicine Service of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Donetsk National Medical University named after M. Gorky" of the Ministry of Health of the DPR is a public service created to meet the country's needs in providing all types of consultative, diagnostic, treatment, preventive and sanitary and anti-epidemic assistance during emergencies and in wartime. Medical evacuation of the wounded and sick is provided by medical evacuation stations and departments (MED), medical centers, hospitals organized as part of medical institutions, which are deployed on the basis of medical organizations providing medical care, ranging from outpatient clinics to institutions with a capacity of over 300 beds. Medical organizations that unite inpatient and outpatient consulting institutions, standard city polyclinic institutions (GPO) of all profiles are widely used.

Anti-shock room is a specially equipped room at the stage of medical evacuation, designed to provide medical care to the wounded in a state of shock (a grotesque state accompanied by deterioration of peripheral circulation with sharp blanching of the skin, chills, severe tachycardia, decreased blood pressure). In order to prevent the development of shock, it is imperative to transfer the victim to an anti-shock room. Victims who have no pulse and signs of breathing cannot be sent to the anti-shock room, as they require resuscitation measures and rapid hospitalization. The criterion for indication for transportation to PS is blood pressure (BP) < 90 мм. рт. ст. и пульс > 120 beats/min. Transportation of victims is carried out quickly and only after preliminary dosed administration of vasopressors. Given the number of free stretcher beds at the medical post of the hospital base and the COM, it is advisable to place patients with severe shock in the PT first.

The anti-shock service is a key link in providing emergency medical care at the prehospital stage. Medical evacuation is not only the emergency transportation of the victim to a non-medical facility. This is a crucial stage in the provision of medical care with certain signs and parameters indicating various types of impairment of a person’s health status, and requires appropriate organization of the work of medical teams.

The main purpose of the anti-shock service is to stop and stabilize the process of development of shock in the victim or reduce its severity to a manageable level. Such organization of care for patients is extremely important before the arrival of the ambulance team, especially when transporting seriously injured people from hard-to-reach areas, where the ability to provide qualified medical intervention in a relatively short time is limited.