
The ecosphere is the sphere of influence of living organisms on the environment. It includes all living organisms, their interaction with the environment and the consequences of this interaction. An ecosphere can be defined as an ecosystem, but in a broader sense.

The ecosphere is of great importance for life on Earth. It provides conditions for the existence of living organisms and determines their evolution. For example, the ecosphere determines the distribution boundaries of plant and animal species, as well as their numbers.

In addition, the ecosphere is an important factor for the conservation of biodiversity. Different species of animals and plants interact with each other and with the environment, which helps maintain balance in the ecosystem.

However, the ecosphere can also have a negative impact on life on Earth. For example, environmental pollution can lead to a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the air and upset the balance of the ecosystem. In addition, climate change may lead to changes in habitat conditions for many species of animals and plants.

Thus, the ecosphere is an important part of life on Earth and requires careful treatment. It is necessary to maintain the balance of the ecosystem and prevent its destruction. This will help preserve life on Earth for future generations.