Egg cell

Ovum (synonym - egg), a female reproductive cell, from which a new organism can develop as a result of fertilization. The process of egg development (ovogenesis) is associated with the growth and development of primary follicles (immature eggs surrounded by a layer of epithelial cells and connective tissue) in the ovarian cortex. In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the growth of one or more of them begins, but usually one follicle (Graafian vesicle) with an egg cell that has matured by this time, having a transparent membrane and a corona radiata of epithelial cells, reaches the stage of full maturation. The nucleus of the egg has a single (haploid) set of chromosomes. When it merges with the sperm nucleus, an embryo is formed.

If fertilization does not occur, the egg dies 5-6 days after ovulation.

An important condition for the development of a normal egg is the usefulness of the genetic material contained in it. If, during the process of oogenesis, disturbances occur in the structure of chromosomes (chromosomal aberrations) or a change in their number, then abnormal eggs appear. Most embryos developing from such eggs die at various stages of pregnancy.

Contents: **Introduction**

An egg, or ootis, is a female reproductive cell that plays an important role in the process of reproduction. It is formed in the ovaries of a woman and consists of a yolk surrounded by a layer of cytoplasm. In this article we will look at the basic properties and functions of the egg, as well as its role in

An egg (English oocyte, Latin ovum, syn. ovarian follicle) is a female reproductive cell formed in the ovary, which, after a period of development in the follicle (sometimes taking many months and even years, since eggs live for a long time in the tissues of the ovary) makes an exit from the ovary through the corresponding appendage and enters the uterine cavity. The life cycle of the female reproductive cell begins with the last stage of the individual development of the female, the last stage of embryo development, and completes the process of reproduction of multicellular organisms. The following description is used for the article: ootida (syn.: ovum, eggs) is a female reproductive cell