
Eglek: an effective antipsychotic for the treatment of mental disorders

In the modern world, mental disorders are becoming increasingly common, and the search for effective drugs to treat them is one of the main tasks of the pharmaceutical industry. One of these drugs is Eglek, which belongs to the pharmaceutical group of antipsychotics - substituted benzamides.

The manufacturer of Eglek is the Russian company Dalkhimfarm. Its international name is Sulpiride. The drug is also known under various synonyms, such as Betamak T100, Betamak T200, Betamak T50, Betamax, Vero-Sulpiride, Dogmatil, Prosulpin, Sulpiride and Eglonil. Eglek is available as a solution for intramuscular injection containing 100 mg of the active substance and in the form of tablets containing 200 mg of the active substance - sulpiride.

Eglek is used to treat various mental disorders, including schizophrenia, low-grade forms of schizophrenia, accompanied by lethargy and lethargy, as well as acute and chronic psychoses. In addition, the drug can be effective for gastric and duodenal ulcers, migraines, dizziness, post-traumatic encephalopathy and behavioral disorders in children.

However, Eglek has contraindications. The drug is not recommended for hypersensitivity to sulpiride, pheochromocytoma, hypertension, as well as in cases of anxiety and psychomotor agitation.

Sulpiride, the active substance in Eglec, is usually well tolerated by patients. However, in rare cases, side effects may occur, such as pyramidal disorders, agitation, sleep disturbances, increased blood pressure, menstrual irregularities, and impotence. Isolated cases of galactorrhea (secretion of milk from the mammary glands) and gynecomastia (enlargement of the mammary glands in men) have also been described.

When using Eglec, it is necessary to take into account its interaction with other drugs. For example, the drug enhances the effect of morphine derivatives, histamine H1 blockers, barbiturates, benzodiazepines and alcohol. Antihypertensive agents may increase the likelihood of developing orthostatic hypotension or dizziness when used concomitantly with Eglec.

It is important to note that Eglec should only be used as prescribed by a doctor. The dosage and duration of treatment are determined individually, based on the characteristics of the patient and the nature of his disease. Self-medication or changing the dosage without consulting a doctor is not recommended.

Overall, Eglec is an effective antipsychotic that is used to treat a variety of mental disorders. However, before using it, it is necessary to take into account contraindications and possible side effects. It is important to obtain recommendations and prescriptions from a qualified physician to ensure the safety and effectiveness of treatment.