Health Economics

Health economics is a field of economic science that studies the cost-effectiveness of health care measures and develops methods for the rational use of medical resources. It is an important part of the healthcare system, as it determines the effectiveness of healthcare costs and their impact on the health of citizens.

Health economics involves the analysis of costs and benefits associated with health care services and resources. She studies how health care costs affect population health, and how these costs relate to other social spending and economic indicators.

One of the main tasks of health economics is to determine optimal strategies for the use of medical resources and treatment costs. This may include choosing between different types of health care services, determining the optimal level of health care spending, and developing health programs.

In addition, health economics also studies the impact of economic factors on population health. For example, it can analyze the impact of income and living standards on health, as well as the impact of social programs and policies on the health of citizens.

Thus, health economics plays an important role in the health care system by determining the cost-effectiveness of health care interventions and determining optimal strategies for the use of health care resources.

Health economics is a field of knowledge that studies the rationality of measures to ensure the sanitary condition of people and the ways of the most effective formation and development of the medical system.

The main function of health economics is to achieve better efficiency in the use of limited resources to solve public health problems. Optimal planning of these resources plays a special role here. Before planning development and functioning, the healthcare system must have reliable methods for diagnosing the causes of morbidity, which would serve as the basis for the rational management of medical processes. The solution to problems and the study of existing economic mechanisms from the point of view of their justification is to consider two areas of science: health economics and public sector economics. Both of these areas can be viewed from the same positions, that is, as relatively independent, covering the socio-economic aspects of relations and management in a specific sector of the economy. Health economic research is closely related to the clinical aspects of the field and the managerial behavior of the system's actors. This should take into account the range of health care needs of individual population groups. An important aspect is also to assess the potential financial capabilities of patients, since some may have access to medical care while others may not. It is important to analyze the existing interaction between healthcare entities, specialists, medical institutions and the consumer market for medicines, diagnostic equipment and medical equipment. Of particular importance is the adoption of organizational measures to ensure the availability of methods and means of prevention and diagnosis, as well as medicines aimed at developing the country's healthcare. An important role was played by the introduction of modern technical diagnostic tools, which make it possible to identify the disease at an early stage of its development. Economic mechanisms can be used to find optimal ways to provide health care. The costs of disease control depend on the volume of budgetary investments and priorities coordinating the activities of all parties and stakeholders. Having studied the theoretical issues of healthcare economics, let’s move on to analyzing the situation in healthcare in the Russian Federation. In Russia, the industry is in an unstable state, but the mortality rate and life expectancy are steadily increasing, and the morbidity rate of the population is increasing. In this regard, the medical sector is under enormous pressure, it lacks specialists, and does not receive sufficient funding. A significant factor influencing the level of medical services provided in the country is the state of the national economy. So in front of healthcare