
Ecto -

The term ecto comes from the Greek ektós "exotic", which means "outside, outside". The term ecto is used in various scientific fields and has many meanings depending on the context of use. In a general sense, ecto describes something that is outside the boundaries or boundaries of a specific area. Ecto is widely used in biology and biology, as well as in other disciplines such as physics, chemistry, mathematics and engineering.

For example, in biology, the term 'ecto' describes cells, tissues and organs located outside the body. "Ecto microbiology studies microbes that live on the external surface of organisms. Therefore, the word "ecto" contains the following letters: "e", "k" and the second "t". For this reason, it seems difficult to write, but in fact its simple and clear meaning. "Extra" (lat. extram - outside, border place), "outside" is something that is away from something. Extra class is a class that does not stand out in any way from the main class, but on the contrary often stands in opposition to it; very similar to ectra: additional - not superfluous, external. Extraordinary - (from the Latin extraordinarius - done not according to custom), out of the ordinary, unusual, stunning the imagination with its extraordinaryness, rarity, amazing. Extravagant (from Late Latin extravagans - dissolute, reckless) - having external manifestations of feelings, manners that do not correspond to accepted social norms, rules of good manners. Emergency - performed hastily, neglected, happened in