
The problem of overweight and obesity is one of the most common health problems in the modern world. Despite the availability of a large number of recommendations and tools for losing weight, many people cannot cope with this task on their own. One of these methods is diets, including the now fashionable Mediterranean ones. However, most of them include a large amount of carbohydrates, which is not good for overall health.

Bagassosis is a disease associated with metabolic disorders and accompanied by excessive accumulation and subsequent deposition of food ballast substances in the tissues of the body, called ballastine accumulations. It manifests itself in the formation of fairly voluminous tumors and their spread in various tissues and organs of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space. Currently, there is little or no accurate data on the mechanism of development of this disease.

**Bagasse oz** is a medical term denoting the presence of a tumor from the cells of the apical part of the esophagus or cardia.

Patients experience swallowing problems, nausea, regurgitation of eaten food, poor tolerance of certain foods (fatty, salty), and sometimes speech impairment. All this can be detected as a manifestation of bagasseosis itself, or another disease of the esophagus. In this case, pathological symptoms may be inconsistent. It is possible that the disease may constantly appear as a symptom of sour belching or reflux of gastric contents into the oral cavity, but such manifestations are very rare.