
Eczematization: what is it and how to prevent it

Eczematization is the process of occurrence of pathological changes in the skin that clinically resemble eczema. This skin reaction is caused by the influence of external irritating factors on areas of the skin that were previously affected by some chronic dermatosis.

With eczematization, the skin becomes dry, flaky, blistered, and itchy. Eczematization can be caused by factors such as chemicals, stress, allergens, dust, pathogenic bacteria or fungi.

One of the main factors contributing to eczematization is a violation of the skin barrier function. This can happen when using aggressive detergents, frequent contact with water, hypothermia, overheating, as well as diseases such as dermatitis, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and others.

Fortunately, there are a number of measures you can take to prevent eczematization. Firstly, it is necessary to monitor skin hygiene, using mild detergents, not to overheat or overcool the skin, and avoid contact with aggressive chemicals.

Secondly, it is important to monitor your health and treat chronic skin diseases such as dermatitis or psoriasis. If symptoms of eczematization occur, you should consult a dermatologist for diagnosis and treatment.

Finally, it is important to monitor your lifestyle and reduce stressful situations, as stress can worsen the symptoms of eczematization.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that eczematization is quite common, but with simple precautions it can be prevented. If you notice symptoms of eczematization, you should consult a dermatologist for diagnosis and treatment. By following all these recommendations, you can maintain healthy and beautiful skin for many years.

Eczematization: what is it and how does it affect the skin?

Eczematization is the process of the occurrence of pathological changes in the skin that resemble the clinical picture of eczema or another skin disease. Occurs when previously affected areas of the skin are exposed to external irritants.

Causes of eczematization

When eczematization is usually caused by external factors, namely: allergens (household - household dust; industrial - dust and industrial waste, solvents; aromatic hydrocarbons; cosmetics; dyes; etc.), skin-damaging chemicals, microorganisms