
Electroencephalgia is a group of neurological disorders characterized by focal or diffuse brain lesions in which altered patterns of bioelectrical activity of various forms are recorded on the EEG. An abnormal EEG may indicate local or general neurological dysfunction of the brain. Manifestations of electroencephalic pathology depend on the type of nerve damage. Symptoms can range from extremely severe to mild.

Electroencephalopathy is a disease characterized by disruption of brain function due to electrochemical instability in the neurons of the brain. The main symptoms of the disease are memory impairment, decreased concentration, behavioral disturbances, deterioration of mood, and severe emotional lability. Patients diagnosed with Electroencephalopathy need special attention and care from doctors and loved ones. Electroencephalomathy can be caused by various factors, such as infections, head injuries, intoxication and others. Diagnosis of the disease is carried out using an electroencephalogram, which records the bioelectric potentials of the brain. Treatment includes drug therapy, psychotherapy, and physical therapy. Prevention of Electroencephalographitis includes compliance with safety rules when working with electrical appliances and at work, treatment of infectious diseases, early diagnosis and treatment of head injuries.