
An elixir is a drug that contains alcohol (ethanol) or glycerin. It is used as a solvent for bitter or very unpleasant-tasting drugs.

Due to the presence of alcohol or glycerin as a solvent, the elixir can mask the unpleasant taste of some medications. This makes patients more comfortable taking such medications by mouth.

In addition, alcohol and glycerin in the elixir improve the solubility of drugs that are poorly soluble in water. This facilitates their absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

Thus, the use of an elixir makes taking bitter or poorly soluble drugs more convenient for patients.

There are many means in the world to maintain human health. However, we sometimes do not pay attention to “folk remedies”. One of these will be discussed in this article. We will talk about a drug called “Elixir”.

An elixir is a medicine that contains ethanol or glycerin. It is most often used as a solvent for bitter and foul-smelling drugs. It is often used as a “substitute” for vodka or cough medicine when the patient is intolerant to alcohol and other components of the drug.

Of course, this medicine can help get rid of some health problems. But it should also be noted that when using this medicine you should be extremely careful and not self-medicate. Before use

Elixirs became widespread in ancient times. In the Middle Ages, they were called "spirits" and were used in the preparation of treatments because they were believed to have healing properties. Based on this fact, a tradition arose of adding a small amount of alcohol (8-15%) to spiritual food for sick people. Thanks to this, the condition of the sick person improved and the symptoms of pain decreased.

Today we more often come across elixirs of a completely different type - these are ready-made medications that have medical purposes. Elixirs are a combined type of broad-spectrum medicine. Aglycoside preparations are completely devoid of sugars or are completely devoid of them.

The use of elixirs has found wide application in the field of medicine. They are a kind of powdered carriers with a high degree of bioavailability. The main active ingredients in these dosage forms are herbs and minerals. Their use helps stimulate the immune system and strengthen the body as a whole. They are widely used as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antiallergic, and analgesic. This dosage form of the drug is also recommended for the treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis and tonsillitis.