Elliot Trepanation of the Sclera

Elliot operation (transplantation of the anterior segment of the sclera) Elliot. Removal of flaps of the anterior part of the sclera 180% and 82% between 3 and 4 mm, in the lower segment of the cornea, with a radial needle, without opening the limbus. Short review. Elliott described this procedure in 1981, although it was known as a method developed by Tamia as early as 1897. N. Elliot proposed two modifications of the operation: the 1.8 mm method and the 2.8 mm method. Both modifications require limbal incision and are performed under local anesthesia. The goal is to strengthen the anterior segment after severe inflammation or neovascularization induced by infectious diseases such as enteroviral-type conjunctivitis; to expand the cornea after damage or conductive cataracts; to change the axis of the eye with astigmatism; and as an alternative to cataract surgery. Previous posts on effective improvement