Emphysema Primary Diffuse

Pulmonary emphysema, primary diffuse

Emphysema is a disease that occurs as a result of the accumulation of gases and other substances in the lung tissue. It can be caused by various reasons such as smoking, lung infections, allergic reactions and others.

One form of pulmonary emphysema is called primary diffuse emphysema. This is a form of the disease that occurs for no apparent reason and is not associated with other lung diseases. Treatment of primary diffuse emphysema may include drug therapy, breathing exercises, and surgery if necessary.

The syndrome of primary pulmonary emphysema is characterized by a symmetrical increase in the transparency of the pulmonary field, including the retinacular and root

**Emphysema** of the lungs is a disease of the respiratory system, which is characterized by expansion of the air spaces in the alveoli of the lungs and disruption of the normal breathing process. Emphysema can be primary or secondary, and can also be diffuse or local in nature. One of the most common forms of primary pulmonary emphysema is the primary diffuse form.

The development of primary diffuse emphysema can be caused by many factors, including genetic disorders, exposure to toxic substances, problems with the body's immune system, smoking, and various types of pneumonia. The development of the primary diffuse form takes a long time and is often the result of a gradual process where small “lesions” of the lungs grow and expand the space for air.

The primary diffuse form may have various symptoms, which depend on the stage of the disease and the individual characteristics of a particular person. For example, at first patients may feel weakness, constant fatigue, poor appetite, frequent colds, and cough with sputum production. As the disease progresses, lung volume increases and shortness of breath appears during exercise, the level of oxygen in the blood decreases, and weakness appears during exercise and even at rest. These symptoms usually appear at an advanced stage of development of emphysema, when the disease is in its last stage.

The secondary form of diffuse emphysema occurs as a result of various disorders of the lungs and lung tissue caused by infectious processes, such as tuberculosis, lung cancer, various forms of pleurisy and others. Symptoms of the secondary diffuse form are brighter and more severe than the symptoms of the primary form. The secondary type of diffuse pulmonary emphysema is almost always accompanied by a number of concomitant diseases that are a consequence of its development.

Currently, there are many methods for diagnosing the diffuse form of emphysema. One of the most

Pulmonary emphysema is a disease in which the functioning of the air spaces in the alveoli is disrupted. They expand and fill with air, resulting in poor respiratory function and an increased risk of developing other serious diseases. If symptoms of pathology appear, you must immediately contact a pulmonologist or therapist, since the disease in its later stages is difficult to treat. An adult is completely cured after 40 years. But if the pathology is diagnosed at age 20 or earlier, the disease can lead to disability due to respiratory failure.