
**Endo for endoscopy.**

Endoscopy is one of the most effective and accurate methods for diagnosing and treating various diseases. Due to its high precision, this technique allows operations to be performed without damaging healthy tissue. In this article, we will talk about endoscopy and how it helps doctors diagnose and treat various diseases.

What is endoscopy?

**Endoscope** is a medical device that is used for diagnostics and operations in hard-to-reach areas of the body. It consists of a long, flexible tube that is inserted into the body through natural openings such as the nose or mouth. The tube has a light and a camera that help the doctor see internal organs and tissue.

Why is endoscopy performed? 1. Diagnosis of various diseases - Endoscopy allows you to detect cancer and other serious diseases at an early stage. For example, colonoscopy helps detect polyps and cancerous tumors in the intestines, and bronchoscopy helps detect lung cancer. 2. Treatment of various diseases - Endoscopic treatment methods allow the removal of tumors, cysts, scars and other formations on internal organs. They are also used to place stents to prevent recurrence of gastric and duodenal ulcers. 3. Prevention – Endoscopes can be used to prevent and diagnose infectious diseases such as chlamydia. You can also check the condition of the bile ducts and other organs after surgery.