Endocarditis Traumatic Surgical

Endocarditis is inflammation of the endocardium of the heart. It is a focal (mainly) or diffuse lesion of its inner membrane, not extending to the chord or myocardium.

The disease usually develops within a few days or weeks after an illness: acute infections (sore throat, influenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis), lung injury, debilitating surgery, severe trauma in general. In adults with diagnosed rheumatic heart disease or heart disease, the likelihood of developing endocarditis increases with each noncardiac infection. However, in many patients, endocarditis occurs without pronounced clinical manifestations. Endocarditis of a non-rheumatic nature is rare, and this condition may indicate the presence of another serious disease. The development of blood clots predisposes to the formation of endocarditis, also predisposing factors are blood loss (surgery, childbirth, trauma), and chronic infections.

The diagnosis of heart diseases is carried out by a cardiologist and therapist; the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases is carried out by an infectious disease specialist; A cardiac surgeon is a specialist - a cardiovascular surgeon. In some cases, difficulties arise in making a diagnosis, which require a consultation of different specialists. Rheumatic endocarditis