Endoscope Fiber

An endoscope or probe made using optical fibers is becoming an increasingly popular diagnostic tool throughout the world. Thanks to thin fibers with a diameter of only 0.1-0.2 millimeters, which have been developed and used in telecommunications technologies in recent years and have already come to many areas of production and medicine, such an instrument has huge advantages over standard direct microscopes used for diagnosing diseases.

An optical fiber endoscope is a rigid or flexible transparent tube with a diameter of no more than 3 millimeters and a length of one to four meters, which is filled with liquid perfluorinated silicone oil, which increases conductivity, making it possible to use an optical microscope and the smallest light source, and the image transmitted to the computer display or monitor.

Flexible probes can be up to six meters long and are made of stainless steel or Teflon for better bending during use. Optical fiber sensors can even be used for remote sensing and process analysis, including in the aerospace industry. The permeability of the shells makes it possible to preserve the optical properties of the signal over long distances. One of the most popular applications of such an instrument in various fields of research and medicine is endoscopic procedures in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Here, these devices can not only create images of the inside of tissues, but also show the functioning of living cells without damaging them. An endoscope is also used simply in diagnosing abnormalities in the oral cavity, when examining areas of the mouth in order to remove tartar and other contaminants. The application here has become very relevant for very limited oral space and the presence of only a small area of ​​visible tissue. As a result, both therapists and surgeons find use of fiber endoscopes for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. They are also used to diagnose the vessels and nerves of the neck. This usually causes some discomfort for the patient, who will feel pain in the neck, but this procedure can detect a tumor or abscess at an early stage. Now the endoscope is used to study the anatomical features of the skin and mucous glands, muscles and blood vessels. Using an endoscope, the condition of the internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract is examined. It allows you to study new growths