
Enter- (entero-) is a prefix used to denote those associated with the intestines or gastrointestinal tract. It comes from the Greek word entera, which means “guts” or “intestines.”

Enter- is used in various fields of medicine, including gastroenterology, surgery and infectious diseases. For example, in medicine, enter- can be used to refer to intestinal diseases, such as enteritis, colitis, enterocolitis and others.

In surgery, enter- can also be used to describe operations involving the intestinal tract, such as intestinal resection, intestinal bypass, or intestinal transplant.

In addition, enter- is used to refer to drugs that are used to treat intestinal diseases. For example, enteral antibiotics are used to treat intestinal infections, and enteral enzymes are used to improve digestion.

Thus, enter- is an important medical and surgical terminology that describes diseases and operations related to the intestines.

Enter: the meaning of the term

The term **enter** comes from the Latin word enter, meaning intestines or entrails, and from the Greek word enteresis, meaning movement through the intestinal canal. In medicine, this term is used to refer to a condition in which there is an obstruction in the passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract. A person experiences problems with digesting food, loss of appetite, abdominal pain and other unpleasant symptoms. Enteritis is most often caused by viruses or bacteria that multiply in the intestines and cause inflammation. Enteritis can be acute (one-time) or chronic (lasting more than 2 weeks). This term can be used to refer to any disease associated with impaired passage of food through the intestines. For example, an enter may be a malignant growth that blocks the digestive tract or an abscess that causes an intestinal obstruction. Therefore, if you feel pain or discomfort in your stomach or

Enteric anemia: causes and consequences. **Enteric (intestinal) anemia** is a pathological process in the body in which the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin decreases and the formation of hemoglobin in the red bone marrow is disrupted. _The pathology is characterized by the following clinical manifestations and symptoms:_

1. pallor of the facial skin, nail plates and other mucous membranes. 2. dizziness, weakness, general weakness. 3. low-grade body temperature. 4. shortness of breath on exertion. 5. lowering blood pressure. 6. rapid heartbeat (tachycardia). 7. tinnitus. 8. discomfort in the heart area. 9. convulsions. 10. tendency to faint. 11. tachycardia upon palpation of the carotid sinus. Enteroanemic syndrome occurs in the following conditions: - Acute and chronic infectious diseases - typhoid fever, salmonellosis, helminthiasis, dysentery, sepsis, leptospirosis and