Enterocyte Goblet

The goblet enterocyte is a special type of intestinal cell that plays an important role in digestion and absorption of nutrients. It is one of the main elements of the intestinal mucosa and is responsible for the production of mucus, which protects the inner surface of the intestines from damage and promotes the absorption of nutrients.

Goblet enterocytes are oval in shape and covered with microvilli, which increase the surface area of ​​the cell and promote better absorption of nutrients. Inside the cell there are granules containing mucus, which is released when necessary.

Goblet enterocytes play an important role in maintaining intestinal homeostasis and regulating its functions. They are involved in the production of mucus, which helps protect the intestines from harmful substances and bacteria, and are also involved in the absorption of nutrients from food. In addition, goblet enterocytes are involved in regulating intestinal acidity and maintaining optimal pH levels.

However, in some intestinal diseases, such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, goblet cells can be damaged or even destroyed, which can lead to poor digestion and other health problems. Therefore, it is important to maintain a healthy gut and monitor its functions to prevent possible health problems.