

Epicondysia is a condition that causes weakening of the muscles and ligaments of the fingers and toes. It can occur in both men and women and is associated with fatigue and overuse of the muscles as a result of heavy work. Epicondiziosis is accompanied by severe

Epicondylgia is a chronic disease of the muscle of the outer thigh, which is accompanied by periodic pain in the lower back, groin and perineum. Epicondylitis can develop both against the background of other diseases, and without an obvious cause. Most patients do not pay enough attention to treatment in the early stages, which can lead to the development of chronic pain, changes in the structure of muscle tissue, limited mobility in the joint and poor posture. The most common cause of pain around the femoral epicondyle is injury during sports. The disease can also occur due to improper load distribution during training or incorrectly selected tools. Exacerbation of the disease is caused by factors such as hypothermia, changing seasons, cold, drafts, injuries, bruises, weather changes, excess weight, diabetes or rheumatism, as well as chronic fatigue. Symptoms such as pain, numbness, tingling and discomfort when pressing can indicate various diseases of the thigh muscles. If the pain becomes regular, increases in intensity and does not give rest, you should consult an orthopedic doctor. Treatment may include medications, massages, physical therapy, stretching, and moderate exercise. However, accurate diagnosis and properly selected treatment, combined with the right lifestyle, can lead to pain gradually decreasing and disappearing over time. It is important to understand that hip muscle disorders can have serious consequences for a person's health and can be associated with a variety of medical conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful about your health and