Erethism Mercury

Erethism mercury (Eretism mercury)

Definition of disease. This is a pathological process that develops as a result of chemical damage to blood cells. Quite often it is associated with high levels of mercury in human blood. Experts also talk about pseudocholememic mercury syndrome, since it is extremely difficult to diagnose in the absence of characteristic symptoms of poisoning in any other way. Mercury blood sulfur got its name due to the fact that at the first stage of the life cycle, turbidity or sediment of body fluids, including about 50% of blood plasma, is observed. These are nothing more than blood cells (erythrocytes) containing two molecules of mercury salt. They get their bright yellow color precisely from the influence of this metal. The lack of medical control over the production of this element, used to produce sulfate, and the extraction of this component in mines, led to its high concentration in water and soil