
An ergospirometer is a device that is used to measure a person's physical performance. It allows you to determine how well a person can perform physical work and how quickly he can recover from it.

An ergospirometer consists of two main parts: an ergometer and a spirometer. An ergometer is a device that simulates physical activity on the human body. A spirometer measures the volume of air a person exhales after exercise.

To perform ergospirometry, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Prepare the patient for the study. Explain to him what kind of research this is and how it is carried out. Make sure that the patient understands all instructions and has no contraindications to the ergospirometer.
  2. Calibrate the ergometer. This is to ensure that the ergometer is working correctly and providing accurate results.
  3. Start research. The patient should begin to exercise on an ergometer. This could be running on a treadmill, climbing stairs, or other exercises.
  4. Measure the volume of air exhaled by the patient after each stage of exercise. This allows you to assess how the patient’s physical performance changes during exercise.
  5. Repeat steps 3-4 until the patient reaches the maximum level of physical performance.
  6. Complete the research. After completing the study, it is necessary to record all the data obtained and analyze it.

The results of the ergospiromer can be used to assess the patient's physical performance, determine his ability to perform physical work and plan an individual training program.

Method for studying external respiration and gas exchange. An ergometric respiratory system for long-term fluctuating breathing under the influence of dosed physical activity is used at rest and during dynamic work on a bicycle ergometer or treadmill. Analysis of gas exchange in the lungs before and after physical work allows us to determine the oxygen utilization rate (minute breathing volume - MVR). The study is also carried out for anemia, respiratory and cardiac diseases, and heart defects. For the study, anesthesia is used to study the patency of the respiratory tract. The method helps in the diagnosis of bronchial asthma and COPD. In addition, it is used to compare the state of external respiration of healthy individuals and individuals with pathologies.