Paraproctitis Putrid-Necrotic

A purulent-inflammatory process that develops in the wall of the rectum, located posterior to the anus and includes inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (pararectal abscess), is called paraproctitis. This disease has many synonyms, the most common of which are rectal fistula and inflammation of peri-rectal tissues. The more complete name of the disease is a purulent non-malignant disease of the tissue located near the rectum. With purulent-necrotic paraproctitis, the tissues surrounding the rectum are subject to external and internal necrosis and inflammation, and as a result it turns into a complication of advanced acute or chronic paraproctitis. According to statistics of this type of paraproctitis, in 40% of cases it develops in sick people over 45 years of age, but recently the disease has become increasingly common among patients aged 25-30 years. Among the risk groups, a special place is occupied by: - ​​People leading a sedentary lifestyle; - Women who are expecting a child or have already given birth to one;

The symptoms of purulent paraproctitis manifest themselves clearly, and the onset often occurs in the acute period in the form of pain and inflammation localized in the perineum, buttocks or thighs. Bloody discharge from the rectal opening. This is a classic symptom indicating the presence of internal bleeding. However, there are situations when the patient can feel blood not only during bowel movements, but at any time in general. The development of bleeding is indicated by the appearance of marks on the underwear that resemble traces of blood

Paraproctitis is an inflammatory process of tissue that is located right next to the anus. This is a fairly serious and dangerous disease that can lead to the development of complications. **Paraproctitis is a disease of the perianal tissue**, accompanied by swelling, redness, the formation of abscesses and the threat of rupture of the abscess into the intestinal cavity. The reasons for the formation of ulcers can be very different, but most often this disease occurs in young people who often suffer from constipation or, conversely, are in the stage of diarrhea. Sometimes the cause of paraproctitis may be damage to the mandibular canals or the presence of benign tumors in the immediate vicinity of the rectum and various complications (for example, fissures, rectal polyps or constipation).

Paraproctitis is called inflammation of the tissues of the pararectal tissue, resulting from the penetration of pathogenic microflora and an infectious process spreading from neighboring parts of the gastrointestinal tract, purulent disease of other organs or disruption of their functions.

There are various forms of this pathology, in which purulent melting of tissue occurs with the formation of ulcers, fistulas or edematous pockets between