Erythema Ultraviolet

Erythema is an inflammation of the skin caused by the sun. The appearance of such rashes occurs in both people and animals - red spots that can itch and itch painfully. Red spots are primarily visible on the face, but they can also appear on the hands, scalp and body.

**Erythema** (*erythema* translated from Latin - “red”) is a clinical symptom characterized by redness of the skin or mucous membranes due to dilation of capillaries due to hyperemia.

**Erythema** are red spots on the skin of various diameters, varying in depth and brightness of color. They occur due to changes in blood circulation and sometimes pain sensitivity. Observed for lesions of the nervous system, malaria, rheumatism, lupus erythematosus, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, itchy dermatoses, neurodermatitis. Foci of erythema are located on any part of the skin. In order to describe the nature of the erythema, it is necessary to characterize in detail the diameter, shade, shape of the spot and texture. It is also necessary to indicate the accompanying subjective sensations and objective examination data. Erythema comes in different colors (depending on the location of formation, the properties of the factor that caused it, and its duration). For example, with chronic inflammation, erythema is red with a bluish tint. Some patients develop cherry-colored or pink spots: the larger the extent of the damage to the epidermis, the brighter the color of the redness. Erythema is also called a rash that appears in the area of ​​exposure to the irritant. Accompanied by a feeling of heat and burning. In the chronic course of the disease, the color of the erythema changes from red to brown, then from brown