Erythema Exudative Malignant

Exudative malignant erythema (erythema exsudativum malignum) is a rare type of skin tumor that belongs to the category of sarcomas. This tumor can occur in any part of the body, but is most common on the legs and arms. It is characterized by severe itching, pain and rapid progression.

Symptoms of erythema exudata maligna include red, bumpy skin lesions that progress rapidly and may become darker or purple over time. When pressure is applied to these formations, fluid may be released that contains cancer cells.

The causes of erythema exudative malignant are not fully understood. However, it is known that the tumor is associated with a disorder of the immune system, and can also occur against the background of other tumors or blood diseases.

Treatment for erythema exudative maligna includes chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. Early detection and treatment of the tumor can improve the chances of a complete cure.

In conclusion, erythema exudative maligna is a rare type of skin tumor that is characterized by rapid progression and a high grade of malignancy. Early detection and treatment of the tumor is the key to a successful treatment outcome. If you notice any suspicious growths on your skin, consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.