
Eversion, or eversion of the cervix, is a common complication during childbirth. It can occur due to rupture of the cervix during childbirth. If eversion occurs, the edges of the cervix may be turned outward, which can lead to bleeding and infection.

For cervical eversion, doctors usually prescribe treatment, which may include antibiotics, painkillers, and surgery. Surgery may involve restoring the integrity of the cervix or replacing it.

It is important to note that cervical eversion can be caused by a variety of factors, including fetal malposition, preterm labor, and other complications. Therefore, if you are experiencing this problem, it is important to see a doctor for advice and treatment.

Cervical eversion is the turning of the edges of the cervix outward after rupture of the cervix during childbirth. This condition can be caused by various reasons, such as incorrect position of the baby, large fetus, low placenta and others.

Cervical eversion can lead to serious complications such as bleeding, infection, and even death. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly treat this condition and how to prevent its occurrence.

Treatment for cervical eversion depends on its severity and cause. Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection, as well as drugs to contract the uterus. In some cases, surgery may be required.

To prevent cervical eversion, it is recommended to follow good hygiene, avoid heavy physical activity and eat right. It is also important to monitor your health and undergo medical examinations on time.

The problem of uterine rupture remains one of the most pressing in obstetrics today. Cervical ruptures are an acute surgical pathology. The causes of rupture are much greater than the causes of rupture in other organs. In practice, there are various forms of the disease, so there is no single classification - except for the most common one, based on the nature of rupture injuries. The main causes of cervical ruptures: - weakening of the cervix with the presence of proliferative changes in the epithelium; - drop in resistance to mechanical stress; - rapid and multiple births;

It is important to note that ruptures most often occur during the period of uterine dilatation. The following factors are considered the main causes of pathological organ retractions: * A sharp increase in the pressure of intrauterine fluid or blood. * Weakening of the ligamentous apparatus. With defective development or trauma, the ligaments can stretch and tear, which often leads to tears, and subsequently to ruptures of the muscle fibers of the pelvic organs.

Congenital pathology of the cervix rarely manifests itself during the first pregnancy, but can be quite pronounced in the second and subsequent generations. If we consider the problem of uterine rupture as a hereditary pathology, then in the first place will be their decompensation, which stems from the excessive sensitivity of the reproductive system organs to