
Excystation is a term used in various fields of science and philosophy to describe the process that leads to the achievement of a certain result. This process can be either a process of getting rid of unwanted elements or finding a way to achieve goals. Let's take a closer look at what excystation is and what properties it has.

Excystation is a unique process, similar to two others at the same time: cystization, which involves a transition to a simpler form, and emasculation, when the excess is removed from something created. How does “Excystation” happen? Consists of several successive phases: 1. First phase: filling and shaping. In this phase, something is considered as its structure. There is growth and development. A planning strategy develops, an internal search for one’s kinship occurs, and a general concept is created. An internal search begins - what can be done now, 2. Second phase: existence. A person reacts to the lack of structure, applies intuition, identifies the problem. He begins to look for solutions using existing solutions, projects or collaborations. This allows him to expand his search for solutions. At this point, further optimization of our own projects occurs. 3. Third phase: objectification. Everything is ready for implementation. This establishes the distinction between functionality and the design idea. At the same time, plans are developed to implement the project, and then the creative process begins. The person finds mutual understanding with other parties to carry out the project. Internal unity begins to form - participants see common tasks. At this stage, economic and cultural barriers are overcome. Going through this stage, a person takes responsibility for the implementation of the project and sets the pace.