Extrasystole Atrial

Extrasystolation is a pathology of the cardiovascular system, manifested by premature contraction of the heart. When the heart contracts out of its normal order, and the contractions occur much faster, two or more times. This is the most common type of arrhythmia, usually leading to the death of the patient. However, as practice shows, patients do not immediately turn to specialists for medical help, so this pathology can develop covertly and progress over many years.

Extrasystole is divided into supraventricular and ventricular forms. With supraventricular extrasystole, the blow falls on

Extrasystole or extrasystolic arrhythmia is a disturbance of the heart rhythm in which the heart muscle contracts not in response to the usual contraction of the cardiac chamber, but in response to a premature normal contraction of another chamber relative to systole. Extrasystoles are also called extraordinary contractions of the heart.

An extrasystole is called an ectopic (or coming from another place) beat. Ectopic contractions can occur in almost any part of the heart: ventricles (upper and lower), atria, septa, arteries.