
Vestibulitis is a disease that is associated with an inflammatory process in the mouth and upper jaw. This disease can be caused by various reasons, such as infection, injury, or an allergic reaction. Vestibulitis can cause pain in the mouth and palate, red gums, bleeding, and even tooth loss. Some people may also have problems speaking and swallowing. Vestibulitis can be caused by several factors, including:

- Infections: Bacteria, viruses or fungi can cause vestibulitis. For example, oral infections such as tooth decay and gingivitis can lead to inflammation in the gums and roof of the mouth. Ear, nose and throat infections can also spread to the palate and cause tissue inflammation.

- Trauma: Trauma can cause vestibulitis. Trauma to the mouth, such as due to an accident or sports injury, can cause inflammation in the tissues of the roof of the mouth and gums.

- Allergic reaction: Some types of allergies, such as allergies to chemicals in the mouth or allergies to certain foods, can lead to vestibulitis. If you experience pain in the roof of your mouth or gums, redness, and bleeding, you may have vestibulitis. To treat this condition, you will need to consult an experienced dentist. He will diagnose, prescribe treatment, and may recommend taking antibiotics or other medications to combat the infection.