Exudate Inflammatory, Easily Organized (Plastic Lymph)

Exudate Inflammatory, Easily Organized (Plastic Lymph) is a clear, yellow liquid that is released from wounds or other areas of inflammation. During the wound healing process, connective tissue cells and blood vessels develop in the exudate.

Exudate plays an important role in the wound healing process - it creates an optimal moist environment for tissue regeneration. Due to the presence of nutrients, growth factors and immune cells, the exudate stimulates the proliferation of fibroblasts and epithelial cells, promoting closure of the wound surface.

Along with this, the exudate has an antimicrobial effect - the immune factors it contains (complement, interferon, etc.) suppress the growth of bacteria in the wound. Thus, inflammatory exudate plays an important role both in tissue regeneration and in local protection of the body from infection during damage.


There are many ways in which an infection spreads beyond the site of infection, but one of the most striking is exudation. Exudation is the process of releasing a clear yellow liquid from the inflamed area, the so-called inflammatory exudate or Plastic lymph. Exudate is called not only yellow liquid, but also red

Inflammatory exudate, easily organized (plastic lymph) is a transparent yellow liquid released from damaged areas of the body during the process of inflammation. When a wound heals, thanks to the exudate, it becomes possible to develop connective tissue cells, as well as new blood vessels around the damaged area. What does it consist of? The exudate contains proteins, enzyme proteins and various sugars. This is the main element of connective tissue in the human body. Exudate begins to be produced during the inflammatory process. It can occur at the site where the epithelium has been exfoliated, or with appendicitis in the cecum, in the case of myocardial infarction, thrombophlebitis. In this entire complex system, the protein lactoferrin, synthesized in the mammary glands, plays an important role. It has now been established that this protein, which contributed to the neutralization of ulcerative factors formed during inflammation, is one of the most important components in case of blood loss with the occurrence of hemorrhagic syndrome. Sometimes, to maintain health, immunotherapy or exudate transfusion becomes necessary, which gives you the opportunity to reduce inflammatory processes in case of: - burns (jellyfish burn, welding arc, electric shock, etc.) - hemodialysis (after two hemodialysis sessions, as this leads to 3rd degree burn syndrome of the skin, i.e. severe toxicosis) And you can get relapses of infectious processes, such as thrush, etc. After all, infection greatly obscures inflammatory activity, so microbes almost always come to the fore. If we talk about inflammatory exudate, its characteristics and properties make it possible to assess the severity of the inflammatory process, the degree of vascular damage, and all possible risks in acute and chronic forms of the disease. For this reason, this biological fluid is being studied for clinical significance in many medical fields. A urine test for pathogens, indicated for kidney diseases, also involves the determination of exudate in biological material. By studying the amount and type of this biological fluid, specialists draw conclusions about the existing lesion and predict complications after therapy. What is happening in the patient's body? As inflammatory processes begin and unfold, the number of exudate components and products increases