Double J stents are tubular implants that are placed in the ureters to allow urine to flow out of the kidneys for a variety of conditions. Their name comes from the characteristic J-shape - the stent has bends at the ends, due to which it is fixed in the ureter.
Double J stents are used to treat the following conditions:
Obstruction (narrowing) of the ureter caused by a tumor, stones, or scarring
Supporting ureteral patency after surgery
Diversion of urine from the kidneys in renal failure
Treatment of hydronephrosis (enlargement of the renal pelvis)
The stent is installed using cystoscopy and fluoroscopy. It remains in the ureter for the required time, usually several weeks or months, before being removed. Double J stents are widely used in urology to restore urine passage from the kidneys.
Double J stents. Technology: Stents help widen atherosclerotic blood vessels and improve blood flow in the arteries. The artery wall can be weakened by atherosclerotic plaques, which leads to narrowing of the lumen of the vessels. This can cause symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, and even myocardial infarction due to angina. **Insert stent** consists of a thin tube (sometimes shaped like a penis) only a few centimeters thick and up to several centimeters long, which is placed inside the artery after dilation of the vessel to hold it open and expand their diameter. But large stents do not always reach the target heart site, while small stents can damage a valve or cause large scars, creating flow blockages. One way to solve this problem is **Two-level stents**. In this study, the researchers used stent implantation for arterial aneurysms larger than six millimeters. In most cases, this causes complete occlusion of the flow. This type of stent was more flexible than traditional stents. Stents contain several compartments connected by channels inside them. These channels allow blood to flow without blocking the flow. The unique design of this stent helps it bend and open in places where many traditional stents cannot.
Comparative Study of Double-J Stent vs Single-J Stents: In a 2017 study conducted in China, researchers compared the Double-J stent versus the traditional Single-J stent. This double J stent provided better suppression of arterial tissue remodeling and a better patency index (16.8 vs. 07.4) two weeks after the experiment. After 90 days, fewer wall lesions were observed (0.7 with Double J vs. 15 with Single-Level) with the Double J stent, and patients did not require surgical removal. These stents have also been shown to be most effective at widening stenosis sizes between 5 and 50 mm, thereby providing a better prognosis for patients. If not for these results, it would be a miracle to find a stent with the claimed properties of flexibility and sufficient strength.