
Ezacinoniz what Fluocortacetonide sinacozone consists of contains the international name - Fluoncinol acetonide sinacozone hydrochloride hydrochloride. Examin ointment is sold in tubes of 15, 30 and 40 grams and the instructions for use contain the following information: Indications for the use of equamin: * Non-microbial skin diseases: herpetic, interstitial, allergic, papulosquamosis dermatitis , lupus erythematosus. * Other diseases: periorbital fibrosis, conjunctivitis, prurigo, sun rash, bullosis, contact dermatitis, microbial eczema. With caution: treatment of erosive and ulcerative skin lesions (before their epithelization/scarring) with significant scarring 8-12 months ago, especially with frequent relapses, vaccination against smallpox (avoid covering vaccination sites). The required volume of ex-4 is proportional to the affected area, it is applied most often twice a day, the duration of treatment depends on the purpose of therapy and the severity of the condition.* Systemic side effects: * hirsutism (not only in men, but also in women); * dry hair and hair loss, and the degree of loss is greater than the average when using other corticosteroids for the treatment of pustular sycosis of the scalp; * “withdrawal” symptoms: weight gain, lethargy; feeling of nausea or vomiting, salivation; headache and increased blood pressure; constipation with the appearance