Esophagoplasty According to Grendahl

**Esophagofundoplication (**esophagotomy)** Gr**empelman with low fixation capacity of the cardia. Fundoplication surgery consists of creating two narrow folds of the fundus of the stomach by resection of its fundus and moving the mobilized section of the stomach through a gastrostomy into the esophageal cavity. Postoperative period: strict bed rest for 3-5 days. You can get up after the first day after the operation and about 9 hours, which you need to lie down after you went to the “little” in the morning, after drinking 200 ml of a solution of magnesium sulfate. A radical solution to the problem is to perform esophagoduodenoplasty, but this type of intervention is not indicated provided that duodenojejunostomy and gastroenterostomy have been performed previously.

**Esophatoplication according to Gunsberg** - incision of one or both legs of the diaphragm followed by