Faculty of Medicine

Faculty of Medicine is a university faculty that trains general practitioners. It is one of the key elements of medical education and plays an important role in preparing qualified specialists in the field of medicine.

At the Faculty of Medicine, students receive fundamental knowledge in the field of biology, anatomy, physiology, pharmacology and other sciences, which are necessary to understand the processes occurring in the human body. They also study medical disciplines such as therapy, surgery, pediatrics, gynecology, dentistry and others.

In addition, the Faculty of Medicine conducts practical classes where students can gain experience working with patients and apply their knowledge in practice. This allows them to develop the skills and competencies needed to be successful as doctors.

The Faculty of Medicine is one of the most prestigious and sought after among applicants, as it provides the opportunity to receive a high-quality medical education and become a highly qualified specialist in the field of medicine.

**Faculty of Medicine** - Faculty of a university or medical school, created for the training of doctors (compulsory medical profile), which is considered one of the most prestigious and sought-after medical faculties in the world. To enter the medical faculty, you must have certain knowledge in the field of anatomy, biochemistry, chemistry, biology, physics, as well as master the basics of psychology and sociology.

The first step towards admission is submitting an application. It must contain all the necessary information: the applicant’s personal data, Unified State Examination results, documents confirming specialized education (school