Bacteriology Sanitary

Bacteria are an integral part of human life as they play an important role in various processes such as digestion, respiration, reproduction and the immune system. However, some types of bacteria can be harmful and cause illness in people or animals. In order to prevent the spread of these bacteria, constant monitoring of their viability in the environment and the development of preventive measures are necessary.

Sanitary bacteriology is an important branch of bacteriology, which studies the viability and spread of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms in environmental objects, especially in water and air, where they can persist and spread for a long time. It includes the study of microbiology, ecology, immunology and epidemiology. The main tasks of bacteriological sanitary examination are to determine the presence and extent of distribution of pathogenic microbes in environmental objects; their identification; establishing the possibility of human contact with them and his protection from them.

One of the main tasks of sanitary bacteriology is monitoring compliance with the regimes and rules for technical and food processing of environmental objects (water, air), ensuring effective prevention of human infection by them. In this regard, of great interest are such objective indicators of the sanitary state of the external environment as the frequency and properties of detection of pathogenic microbes, the possibility of their detection and

Sanitary bacteriology is an important field of science that studies the viability of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms in various environmental objects. It is also developing preventive measures to limit the spread of these microbes and reduce their concentrations in the environment.

Bacteriology is the science of bacterial life. Already ancient scientists studied bacteria. The ancient scientist Hippocrates was the first to discover that pathogens are the causative agents of infectious diseases. In the Middle Ages, bacteria and their importance in nature were discovered. In different countries, different countries began to fight such a dangerous disease as the plague. Work was carried out on the cultivation of pathogenic bacteria, and they led to the creation of drugs for the treatment of various diseases. The accumulated knowledge about the properties and distribution of bacteria was the basis for the emergence of the first stage of medical microbiology - human microbiology. Then the bacteriology of agricultural plants, algae, etc. arose. With the development of industry, bacteriology arose as a microbiological industry (oil field chemistry, biotechnological industry and others). Currently, bacteriologists are studying various types of microorganisms, their properties and role in the lives of people and animals.

Bacteriology as a science and direction of activity.

Bacteriology continues to be a sought-after science that plays a key role in the field of health. Its relevance is beyond doubt. On the one hand, it became the theoretical basis for the development of microbiology, especially medical. Also, thanks to it, many methods have emerged for identifying, determining the quantity and properties of bacteria in studied objects, which have been used for more than a hundred years. What gives knowledge about the state of the human population? Study of microbial flora, opportunistic pathogens and saprophytes. We know that the latter are permanent inhabitants of the body of people and animals. Normally, they do not cause harm and do not require isolation.