Family Therapy

Family therapy is a type of psychotherapy that is based on the belief that a person’s psychological problems arise due to a breakdown in communication between family members. The goal of therapy is to help family members improve their relationships with each other and improve their quality of life.

One of the main tools of family therapy is the genogram. A genogram is a graphic representation of connections between family members, which allows you to identify problem areas and find ways to solve them. Paradox is the concept that one family member can cause problems for other family members. Sculpting is the process of creating new patterns of behavior and interaction between family members through therapeutic techniques and exercises.

Family therapy can be used to address a variety of issues, including conflict, addiction, domestic violence, child problems, and others. It can be carried out either individually or in a group.

Overall, family therapy is an effective tool for improving the quality of life of family members and preventing future problems.

Family therapy is a type of psychotherapy that is based on the belief that all psychological problems have their basis in communication disorders between all family members. In order to find and eliminate problems that arise, the entire family team gets together. This is called a genogram. In the genogram, partners are first determined, then

"Family therapy is a controversial phenomenon"

Family therapy is a section of psychotherapy that relies not only on the client’s internal feelings and psychological interests, but also on his environment, primarily on family and significant relationships. In this vein, we can describe the subject of family therapy as a violation of family dialogue and the ability to establish communication within the family by searching for the causes of what is happening and identifying the origins of problems. There are many techniques for such therapy (for example, genograms or paradoxes).

Characteristics and features __Fact 1:__ The term “family therapy” appeared as a result of isolating from psychotherapy a narrower section associated with the interpersonal interaction of family members. __Fact 2:__ “Family therapy”: __is the art of meeting the causes of conflicts in communication between children and parents.”__ __Fact: There are differences, but the key is that therapy deals with the violation of the integrity of the family and attempts to understand this process._ The focus may turn out to be anything: the self-worth of one of the family representatives, the quality of life of the family as a whole, attempts to occupy their own and significant niche in the space of family ties. The first **problem**: “If psychologists have appeared in the lives of adults, it means that life has lost something truly important,” that is, family therapy can make adjustments to the usual way of family relationships. Both family consultation specialists and child behavior consultants can come to the rescue. **Second problem:** “After all, family therapy is an approach to a person in general. With the help of a variety of additional techniques in the field of verbal influence, the consultant is able to express both the positive and negative context of the psychological atmosphere of a particular family.” We are talking about techniques such as role-playing games, discussion sessions on current issues and boring activities held together. To resolve conflicts, one of the relatives is often invited as a third party to a quarrel. Task: restoration of communication through the exchange of opinions and search for consensus.