How to enlarge the chest?

The essence of the technique is to use specialized exercises increase volume and as much as possible expand the chest athlete In other words: in this case, the goal is not so much to influence muscles, how much for bones, or at skeleton and all constitution generally.

The size of the chest initially depends primarily on a person’s genetic data. However, in adolescence (18-25 years old) it is possible to increase her height by using the so-called "breathing" exercises. And even if you are already over 30 or 40, you still have the opportunity to increase the volume of your chest by 10-15 cm by resorting to fairly serious and long-term training using this method.

So, how to enlarge the chest exercises:

This problem must be solved using a set of exercises that stimulate deep breathing, on the one hand, and movements that specifically stretch the chest, on the other hand.

Strengthened training to increase and expand the volume of the chest should be performed before training the pectoral muscles. For young bodybuilders, this specialization lasts 5-6 months, for bodybuilders of the older age group: 7-8 months.

Follow "Breathing squats" according to the following scheme:

  1. Between the first ten repetitions, take three deep breaths;
  2. Between the second ten repetitions, take four inhalations and exhalations;
  3. As you complete the last five reps, take five breaths.

Once the above cycle is completed,  you will breathe very deeply. Without wasting any time, immediately lie down on a horizontal bench and with a light barbell or dumbbell (no more than 20 kg) perform "breath pullover". Do not bend your arms, keep them straight, since the main thing in this case is to stretch the chest as much as possible. Breathe extremely deeply, use the entire range of motion, work smoothly and slowly. Change the grip width upward, starting from 15 cm. It should increase from approach to approach. It is possible to perform a “breathing pullover” with a kettlebell, a disc, or two dumbbells, but the main thing is not the weight. The main thing is to maintain the style of performance.

Perform this special cycle every other day, in other words, three times a week. For beginners, it is enough to perform two super-sets of 25 times; experienced bodybuilders are recommended to do five super-sets. Post Views: 4,835