
Pharmacy is the science of medicines, their production, storage, use and quality control. It is involved in the development, production, quality control and distribution of drugs and other medical devices. Pharmacy includes many disciplines such as pharmacology, toxicology, biopharmaceuticals, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and others.

One of the main tasks of pharmacy is the development of new drugs. This involves researching new chemical compounds that can be used to treat various diseases. Pharmacy is also developing new methods for producing and packaging drugs to ensure their stability and effectiveness.

An important part of pharmacy is quality control of drugs. It includes checking the drug’s compliance with quality standards, testing for safety and effectiveness, as well as checking for compliance with the declared composition and dosage.

Pharmacy is also involved in the distribution of medicines in the market. It ensures the availability of drugs to patients, controls their storage and transportation, and trains doctors and pharmacists on the use of drugs.

Overall, pharmacy is an important science that plays a key role in ensuring the health and well-being of people. It brings together many disciplines and specialists to develop, manufacture, quality control and distribute drugs and other medical products.

Pharmacology and pharmacy as a science and specialty

* **Pharmacy (Latin farma - medicine + ancient Greek** χιεία - pharmacy) is one of the main medical disciplines that studies the specific properties of medicinal substances and their physiological effects, as well as their development in medical practice, issues of pharmacology and pharmacotherapy.*
