Fascia of the Neck Superficial [F. Superficialis (Cervicis)]

The superficial fascia of the neck is the layer of muscle fibers and connective tissue that is located between the skin and the deep muscles of the neck. It acts as a support for the neck and head, and also protects against injury and damage to blood vessels and nerves. In this article we will look at the basic properties and functions of the superficial fascia of the neck, as well as its interaction with other organs and tissues.

Anatomy and structure of the fascia of the superficial neck. The superficial cervical fascia is a strong framework consisting of fibrous tissue and elastic fibers. It is located over a large number of deep muscles of the neck and connects them to the surface of the skin. On top of the fascia are the muscles of the upper torso, which provide stabilization and support to the head and neck. Interacting with adjacent superficial vessels and nerves