Feminization (Feminwtion)

Feminization is a medical term that describes the appearance of female secondary sexual characteristics in men. This includes breast enlargement, facial hair loss, and fat deposits under the skin. This phenomenon is usually observed as a result of some endocrine disorder or as a consequence of hormonal therapy.

The main reason for feminization is an increase in the level of female sex hormones - estrogens - in the male body. This can happen due to various reasons such as pituitary tumors, ovarian tumors, adrenal gland dysfunction and other endocrine disorders. Hormone therapy, which is often used to treat breast cancer in men, can also cause feminization.

Symptoms of feminization in men can vary depending on the cause and extent of hormonal imbalance. Breast enlargement or gynecomastia is usually the first sign of feminization. Facial hair may become thinner and thinner, while new hair may appear on the body. It is also possible for fat to be deposited in the thighs and buttocks, which gives a man a feminine appearance.

To diagnose feminization, you need to contact an endocrinologist who will conduct an examination, including measuring hormone levels in the blood and ultrasound examination of organs. Treatment depends on the cause of feminization. In some cases, surgery is required, such as gynecomastia.

In conclusion, feminization is a serious medical condition that requires professional intervention. Any changes in secondary sexual characteristics in men should be discussed with a doctor to determine the cause and determine the need for treatment.

Feminization is a rare condition in which a man develops female secondary sexual characteristics, such as breast enlargement, excess body hair growth and increased body fat. This condition usually occurs as a result of endocrine disorders or hormonal changes. Feminization occurs because the male body cannot respond properly to changing levels of female hormones.