
Phenylmethane is an organic compound that can also be called toluene. It is a colorless liquid with a characteristic odor and is widely used in various industries.

One of the main areas of application of phenylmethane is the production of solvents and paints and varnishes. Due to its high solvent power, toluene is used to create paints, varnishes, mastics, adhesives and other materials that are used in the process of painting or protecting surfaces.

In addition, phenylmethane is used in the production of plastics, rubber products, in the production of synthetic rubber, acetone, phenol and other chemical compounds. It is also used as an industrial solvent and a reagent in organic synthesis.

Despite its widespread industrial use, phenylmethane can be hazardous to human health if necessary precautions are not taken. With prolonged exposure to the body, toluene can cause various diseases, including disorders of the nervous system, cardiovascular system, and also affect the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

In conclusion, phenylmethane is an important chemical compound that has found wide application in various industries. However, when working with this substance, all safety measures must be observed to prevent negative effects on human health.