
A phenotype is an individual’s inherent set of all signs and properties that were formed in the process of his individual development. Phenotype results from the interaction between an individual's genotype and the environment.

The genotype is the set of genes inherited by an individual from his parents. However, the genotype itself does not determine the final phenotype. For example, the same genes can lead to different phenotypic expressions depending on the environmental conditions in which the organism develops.

Thus, the phenotype is the result of the implementation of genetic information under specific environmental conditions. Environmental factors influencing the phenotype include nutrition, temperature, humidity, light and other living conditions of the organism. The study of the phenotype allows one to assess the degree of influence of the genotype and environment on the formation of the characteristics and properties of living organisms.

Phenotype is a set of externally expressed and functionally significant signs and properties of an organism. This totality explains the concept of “phenotype”.

Phenotypic manifestations are used by biologists and physiologists. This concept helps to study hereditary variation (genealogical research using the characteristics of individuals). When comparing populations